Here are six smart moves to make that first date more relaxed and primed for a good time.
With the ease of internet dating also comes the ease of false representation, so it’s crucial you make sure someone knows where you are. Whether it be telling a friend the bar you are meeting at, texting updates to somebody close, or even leaving your Snap Maps on, it’s important to make sure you’re not off the grid.
Not that kind of photo. Just a regular photo of them doing something like holding a piece of paper up with your name on it, or them mimicking a silly face you send. If you can get them to send you a photo doing something original, you can verify they aren’t just using someone else’s photos off Google images.
If you haven’t been talking to someone for very long, it’s always good to make your first meetup in a public space. As fake profiles are present on every dating app, by suggesting a public space you are giving yourself an out in a worst-case scenario. Even if you’re just seeing someone for a one-time thing, your best bet will always be meeting them somewhere public first, just to make sure the person matches their profile.
This applies to both yourself and your humble abode. You never know what will happen after the first date (no judgements here) and it’s good to make sure your date won’t accidentally stumble upon your stuffed toy collection. Childhood toys are a bit of a mood-killer in the bedroom.
We know how tempting it can be to look up somebody on social media and spend hours spiralling until you’re looking at their ex-girlfriend’s cousin’s baby shower pictures. However, it’s a recipe for disaster when it comes to first dates. Not only will you have pre-judged somebody, but there is also the risk of exposing information you know about them that they haven’t told you. The last thing you want is your date sending out a stalker alert!
Coffee worsens anxiety, so try substituting it for a calming herbal tea or decaf. To avoid worrying about being tired during a date later in the night, just make sure you go to sleep a bit earlier the night before.
As for what you should do when it comes to the date itself, have fun with it. Keep your expectations low and standards high. Everybody has their fair share of bad and good first dates; hopefully you’ll have more of the latter!
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