How to enjoy your first time with someone new
Here's how to embrace the awkwardness and (ahem) enjoy the ride.
The HUD Love Club
Letting go of shame and reshaping your relationship to sex
If you're struggling with feelings of internalized shame around intimacy, you don't have to feel this way forever.
College hookups
College is often the place where young adults experiment with their sexuality for the first time. Here's how to keep it safe and fun.
New relationship energy (NRE)
You know that rush you feel in the early days of dating someone new? The high you get just thinking about them? That's new relationship energy - NRE - and it's thrilling, but unfortunately, temporary.
The HUD Love Club
Are we turning into our grandmas?
Knitting, cups of tea, book clubs, early nights... We're all turning into our grandmas - and honestly, it's glorious.
Stop fetishizing bisexuality
We’re more than just your fantasy. Behind every stereotype and sexualized portrayal of bisexuality are real people navigating complex lives and relationships.
How do I know if I've had an orgasm?
If you're not quite sure what's going on down there, don't worry, our friends at Girls Get Off are here to educate.
The HUD Love Club
Why is it so hard to ask for what you want?
You know what you want - whether it’s a certain kind of date, a little more consistency, or something quite specific in the bedroom - so why does actually saying it out loud feel so impossible?
Pronouns: Why should you care?
Have you seen people's pronouns on their social accounts, in their email signatures, or even next to their names when you're on a Zoom call? Pronouns are important, whether you're part of the rainbow community or not. Here's why.
We need to talk about Taylor's boomer mom on Love Is Blind
The Netflix show is controversial for many reasons, but Season 8, Episode 9 introduced a new potential villain: The Boomer Mom. Get out your pen and paper - here's a masterclass on boomer parents making it all about themselves.
HPV: Need to know before you scroll
You’re living your best life, scrolling, matching, and making connections. Love that for you. But let’s take a quick pause for a reality check - have you thought about HPV? Here's what you need to know, and how to protect yourself against this common STI.
The HUD Love Club
10 reasons kissing is good for you
Making out, snogging, pashing, smooching... Whatever you call it, kissing not only makes you feel warm and fuzzy, it also has actual benefits for your wellbeing.
The orgasm gap: Why it's harder with a partner (and what to do about it)
They say good things come to those who wait, but when it comes to orgasms, some people seem to be waiting a lot longer than others. Danielle Simpson Baker (aka The Sexpot Therapist) talks about the orgasm gap.
Why user verification matters
Just because HUD is a casual dating app doesn't mean we're casual about our user safety. Our Product Owner Anesh talks about why user verification is an important part of keeping everyone safe - and how it contributes to our users having an authentic experience.
I joined a Furry group on social media and this is what I learned
Infiltrating an online fetish club wasn't on my 2025 bingo card, but hey, all in a day's work... And I was surprised at what really went on.
Sex Ed: What is consent?
Consent is important - especially when it comes to casual dating, where the lines can sometimes get blurry. Here's a refresher course on what consent means.
Fetish 101: Golden showers
Golden showers: A kink that’s steamy in more ways than one! Here's why some people love it, how to get into it safely, and the thrill of the taboo.
The HUD Love Club
Caught in a dark romance...
We're in our reading era, and our preferred genre is dark romance/romantasy. Why do we love it so much?
What have we learned since the 12-hour fall and rise of TikTok?
It's been over a month since TikTok was banned in the U.S. for... 12 hours? Is that right? Anyway, what have we learned, and what's next?
The HUD Love Club
It’s okay if you’re not okay right now (seriously, who is?)
The political landscape is chaotic, basic rights are up for debate, and it’s hard to shake the sense that we’re all just trying to keep our heads above water. You okay, babe? No? Come sit with us.
Smart sex: Why condoms matter
Hey, it's National Condom Week! Here's your ultimate guide to wrapping it right, from our friends at Girls Get Off.
Find your perfect pleasure match this V-Day
Danielle Simpson-Baker (aka The Sexpot Therapist) shares her definitive guide to sex toys, so you'll hit the right spot this Valentine's Day.
5 dating app scams to watch out for
Our Customer Service Rep Anna gives you the lowdown on five common dating app scams - so you can protect yourself, and connect with real people.
Is it bad for your health to go at it for too long?
Whether you’re with multiple partners at once or just doing it for a really, really, really long time, you might be wondering what the effects on your body might be – or are there any benefits?
Five things you should know about the HIV epidemic
It's been 40 years since AIDS was first identified. What's happened since, and what can we expect as we move into the second quarter of the 21st century?
The HUD Love Club
Is social media making you unhappy? The answer is not so simple
You may have seen headlines that link social media to sadness and depression. Social media use goes up, happiness goes down. But recent studies suggest those findings might not be so straightforward.
I want to be a #softgirl girl living a #softlife
The soft girl trend continues to percolate through social media, and we're here for it, especially when the world's on fire and despots are in charge. Everybody needs a bit of soft girl aesthetic in their life.
How many genders are there, anyway?
Are there really only two genders - male and female? Let's talk about gender identity and why it's important to respect people's self-determination when it comes to gender.
The HUD Love Club
Let's celebrate Self-Love Month
Did you know January is also known as Self-Love Month? Instead of hyperfocusing on resolutions, why not decide that this year, you're going to show yourself the love you deserve.
The stigma of sex work: A call to end violence against sex workers
Danielle Simpson-Baker (aka The Sexpot Therapist) goes beyond the stereotypes to remind us that sex workers are humans who deserve dignity and protection.
Is "lesbian" becoming an outdated label?
Run your eyes down a list of famous women who have recently come out and you’re likely to see people describe themselves as pansexual, bisexual, or queer, or insist on their right not to label their sexuality at all. With one or two notable exceptions, you’d be forgiven for thinking the word “lesbian” has gone out of fashion.
It's halfway through Dry January. How you doin’?
Ah, Dry January – the month where you swap tequila for tea, trade in your wine glass for a water bottle, and face the cold, hard truth that you can, in fact, survive without a nightly nightcap. Whether you're doing it to detox, reset, or just because you lost a bet, here are some tips for surviving the rest of Dry January
Fetish 101: Pet play
Humans have dressed up as animals seemingly since the beginning of time. So do you want to bring a bit of pet play into the bedroom?
The HUD Love Club
In praise of Girlsmas
Girlsmas, Chicksmas, Galidays... Whatever you want to call it, hanging at a female-focused holiday gathering is how we want to spend December 25th this year.
When you're lonely at Christmas (and everyone else is coupled up)
During the holidays, we're surrounded by imagery and messaging that celebrates romantic relationships - from movies to TV commercials, the season can feel like a constant reminder of what you don't have. Maybe it's time to reframe.
Should you buy your hookup a Christmas gift?
You've been seeing each other casually for a while, but you're not in a relationship. You're not even really friends. But it's the holidays, so... What's the protocol around giving your hookup a gift?
Are Gelphie/Elphinda gay? 5 reasons we think Wicked is queer-coded AF
"What is this feeling?" The love that dare not speak its name, of course! Glinda, Elphaba, let me break it to you gently: You're queer.
Caught in a lust triangle
In Wicked, Elphaba and Glinda are both crushing on the same guy... But they're best friends, not to mention college roommates. What's a witch to do? (spoilers, obvs)
The HUD Love Club
Hometown hookups over the holidays
You're staying with family for the holidays, you're bored so you hit that bar you tried to get into with a fake ID when you were 17, and you end up going home with your high school crush, who's also just in town for Christmas... Wait, how did this happen again?
What is “soaking”, and why is it a thing?
You might have heard of “soaking”, a sexual practice that students at particular colleges are purported to engage in. It’s gone viral on social media, and frankly, we’re concerned.
Exploring kinks when you're vanilla
Curious about what else you could try in the bedroom, but a bit nervous and shy that you won't be into it? Hey, it's okay - you are allowed (nay, encouraged!) check things out in a safe, consensual way without getting in too deep.
The HUD Love Club
Aftercare: What is it, and why you should start doing it
Do you practice aftercare? Our friends at Girls Get Off explain why you should make it a regular part of your post-intimacy routine.
The HUD Love Club
Do feminists have better sex? Yes, they do
Contrary to toxic myths and cliché, feminist women are enjoying pleasurable sex lives.
Should you ever sleep with your ex?
Come on, we’ve all thought about it – what if you had one more chance to sleep with your ex? Would you, should you, could you? Here are the pros and cons.
Sex Ed: Sexuality vs sensuality
You may have heard the word “sexuality” and “sensuality” used interchangeably, but while they’re related, they’re not the same thing. HUD App’s new Sex Ed series explains.
Is your bedroom a safe space?
There's a lot of talk about places being "safe spaces" - so is your bedroom a safe space? What does a "safe space" bedroom look like?
Red and green flags on dating apps
Are you color-blind when it comes to red and green flag behavior in potential dates? Danielle Simpson-Baker (aka The Sexpot Therapist) shares how to weed out the bad fits and stick to the good matches on dating apps.
So you've been ghosted...
When you’re on the apps, it’s almost inevitable that you’ll experience ghosting – someone leaving you on read, ignoring you, or just disappearing mid-conversation. Here’s why it happens and what to do about it.
The HUD Love Club
“Help me find this random person!” The rise of missed connections
Seen those TikTok videos of people asking for help finding someone they exchanged smiles with on the bus, or locked eyes with at a crowded concert? Rather than approaching people in person, more and more of us are experiencing missed connections – relying on social media to help.
Fetish 101: Nylons
Do you find stockings sexy? Are tights titillating? There's something inherently sensual about nylons, and many people find they're drawn to the sensual qualities of this simple yet elegant item of clothing.
The HUD Love Club
It's Singles' Day! 11 reasons why it's better to be single right now
With the state of the world right now, you might think coupling up is better - you know, seeking a friend for the end of the world, and all that - but actually, we're arguing that single life is the way to be. Here are 11 reasons why being single is pretty nifty.
FYI: What is the 4B movement?
In the aftermath of the US presidential election, it's all over our social feeds right now, but the 4B movement has been around for longer than you might realize - and it might have a serious impact on dating and relationships. Here's what you need to know.
Why the festive season is merrier when you're single
Longing for a date you can take to Grandma's holiday dinner? Guess what - you're better off going solo.
Should you ever hook up on a work trip?
Heading off on a work conference with the company credit card and a schedule packed full of networking drinks? Hang on a minute - think about some things before you have too much fun, says HUD’s People and Culture Manager Stef.
How to date and hook up without heartache
Danielle Simpson-Baker (aka The Sexpot Therapist) shares some professional wisdom for how to navigate the dating world while looking after your emotional wellbeing.
Things women are sick of seeing in your dating app profile pics
Not another photo of you holding a fish, please! If you have these pics in your dating app profile, get some new ones ASAP.
The HUD Love Club
The best sex position for you, based on your Zodiac sign
Spooky season is upon us, and what better way to celebrate October than by bringing a little mystery and magic into the bedroom? Our resident sexpert Danielle Simpson-Baker (aka The Sexpot Therapist) shares a different kind of horoscope.
Fact check: Is my sex toy messing with my vaginal health?
Dr Claire Pickett from Stigma Health is back to share three important things that will help keep your nether regions happy and healthy.
Are you being "trumped" by your date?
There's a new red flag to be aware of: "Trumping". No, we're not talking about which presidential candidate your date supports - we're talking about a personality type that manifests itself in certain behavioural traits and rhetorical patterns.
The HUD Love Club
Book review: I Don't - The Case Against Marriage
First comes love, then comes marriage... Or does it need to? This is a powerfully written manifesto on what women are getting themselves into (or what they might opt out of).
Soulmate or scammer?
Not sure if you're connecting with your soulmate or a scammer on the apps? Our Customer Service Rep Anna has some tips for weeding out the fakers, fraudsters, and ripoff artists.
When it hurts to look in the mirror
Body dysmorphia isn't a case of shallow vanity - it's a real mental health disorder that can have a serious negative impact on people's lives.
I still live with my parents... What are the rules around bringing home a hookup?
In this economy, it's not all that uncommon to stay living at home for a few years after graduating, or to come back home post-college and bunk in your parents' basement. So what do you do if you want to bring a date home for the night?
Is everything okay... Down below?
From pH balance to infections, sexual health expert Dr Claire Pickett from Stigma Health ups the ante on your vaginal literacy.
All about... Female condoms
September 16 is Global Female Condom Day, so let's get up close and personal with this clever contraceptive device.
Do we really need another season of Love Is Blind?
Is Love Is Blind still an intriguing “social experiment” or is it actually a bad idea that should bow out before it causes more than just public heartbreak?
Sex anxiety and how to deal
Does the thought of having sex freak you out? Or do you get close to doing the deed and then panic? Or do you overthink things and talk yourself out of it well before you've got a chance to begin? Maybe this will help.
Let's bust some booty myths
Our resident sexpert Danielle Simpson-Baker (aka The Sexpot Therapist) clears up some of the biggest misconceptions about anal sex so you an explore with confidence.
The HUD Love Club
Top 10 pickup lines from Sabrina Carpenter's latest album
We wanna try out her fuzzy pink handcuffs, and so will you. Here are our picks of lyrics that double as sensational pick-up lines to try with your next date.
Have you ever heard of "outercourse"? Keep your pants on (literally) and learn the nuances of clothed intimacy.
Do you talk that way in real life?
Maybe your potty mouth is putting off your potential matches, ever think of that?
Let's talk about PrEP and PEP, baby
What are PrEP and PEP, and how can they help prevent the spread of HIV? Our friends at Stigma Health have the info on how to protect yourself and reduce your risk of getting HIV by 99%.
The HUD Love Club
In our demure dating era
Maybe you need to tap into your demure, modest, mindful, cutesy side when you're looking for a match.
The HUD Love Club
Hi, I'm the problem. It's me.
What's holding you back from enjoying your dating life? You might need to just get out of your own way. Here's how.
It's Anal August! Your beginner's guide to anal play
Whether you’re new to the idea or looking to expand your sexual repertoire, HUD’s resident sexpert Danielle Simpson-Baker (aka The Sexpot Therapist) has advice for how to explore anal play safely and pleasurably.
The HUD Love Club
It's National Orgasm Day! So let's talk about the orgasm gap
Did you know that men are twice as likely to have an orgasm during sex than women? Here's what we can do about the orgasm gap.
Even more you didn't know (until now) about sex and the Olympics
We've got the goss from the Athletes' Village - clearly this is a topic that's going to outlast the Olympic Games themselves.
Should you sleep with your roommate?
You're crushin' on your roomie and the feeling seems mutual... But should you go there? What could happen if you become friends with benefits while you're living in the same space? Let's look at the pros and cons.
The HUD Love Club
Book review: Otherhood - Essays on being childless, childfree and child-adjacent
When you're dating, you're probably thinking mostly about how *not* to have kids, which is fair enough. What if you never have kids? Like, never ever? This new book explores the societal taboo of adulthood without children.
A brief history of sex and the Olympics
With more than 10,000 fit, good-looking, top-of-their-game-in-every-way athletes gathering in Paris for the 2024 Summer Olympics, is it any wonder the Athletes' Village is a hotbed of hookups and sexy celebrations?
Top tips to up your game on - and beyond - the dating apps
HUD's resident sexpert Danielle Simpson-Baker (aka The Sexpot Therapist) gives some good advice for improving your UX on dating apps and when you're meeting people in real life.
The HUD Love Club
The Dying Art of Playlist Building
When's the last time someone made you a mixtape? (Possibly a rhetorical question since actual tapes no longer seem to exist.) Kira Carrington of Massive magazine gets nostalgic about playlists.
When is it okay to swear in front of your date?
Swearing, cursing, using foul language, dropping F-bombs in your date's presence - how soon is too soon?
Dealing with a messy breakup... When you have to work
Navigating a breakup is never easy, especially when it's unfolding against the backdrop of your professional life. HUD's People & Culture Manager Stef shares some good advice.
How to spot weaponized incompetence in someone you're dating
Are you carrying more than your share of relationship responsibility because the other person just isn't good at this sort of thing? You might be dealing with a case of weaponized incompetence.
The HUD Love Club
Why are we attracted to some people but not others?
You see someone across a crowded room, and you're instantly attracted to them. What's that all about? Our Good Girls Mikayla and Siobhan explain the science of attraction.
Finding Pride, losing it, then finding it again
How do you celebrate Pride when you’re still navigating what it means to you? HUD App’s Director of Marketing, Mikayla Robinson, gets honest about Pride.
What does it mean if my pet doesn't like my date?
If your pet cat is hissing, your dog is growling, and your goldfish is swimming in the other direction every time the person you're dating is around, you should probably pay attention.
10 tips for dating as a neurodivergent human
If you're neurodivergent, you might feel like dating is just too confusing and intimidating to even attempt. Here are some tips to help you feel more comfortable looking for love.
The HUD Love Club
The V word
Guess what? You don't owe anybody your virginity. It's not a gift, a precious treasure, something you can "lose", or anything to do with your character. So what's the big deal about virginity?
Pride parade prep guide
HUD's resident sexpert Danielle Simpson-Baker (aka The Sexpot Therapist) tells you what to wear, bring, and expect for your first Pride parade.
5 Myths and facts about LGBTQIA+ Sexual Health
Our friends at Stigma Health debunk some myths and speak some truths about LGBTQIA+ sexual health - some of which might surprise you.
Should you use AI to write your dating app profile?
AI is everywhere, but should it be a part of your dating app profile? Is it lying if you let AI tell you what to say, or are you just using another handy tool?
Designing our dream sex toy
Our Good Girls write an open letter to the sex toy industry asking for all of our ideal sex toy dreams to come true.
The HUD Love Club
Boundaries and why you need them
Just because you're into casual, no-strings-attached dating doesn't mean you don't have boundaries. Here's why you should figure out what those boundaries are and be unapologetic about them.
What dating was like in the 90s and what we can learn from it
The fashions may be coming back, but let's hope some of the dating trends of the 90s stay put in the past. Although there are a few things we'd like to resurrect...
How to: Recreate *that* Bridgerton carriage ride scene in real life
We studied the famous carriage encounter between Colin and Penelope in meticulous, precise, thorough detail, just for the sake of educating you about how to DIY it.
The HUD Love Club
Get to know yourself this May
Did you know that this month is known as Masturbation May? It might seem silly, but this international celebration of self-pleasure has some pretty radical origins.
Things that give you the "ick" (and how to deal)
What do TikTok and Baby Reindeer have in common? A deep and uncomfortable dive into "the ick", that indefinable feeling which we've all felt from time to time about a person or scenario. That niggly feeling of "I don't like this, and I can't say why."
Fetish 101: What's wax play?
Ever dipped your fingers in warm candle wax and thought, "Ahh, that's quite nice!" Take things a step further with wax play - here's how to indulge safely.