The HUD Love Club

It's Singles' Day! 11 reasons why it's better to be single right now

by The HUD App Team

Friends, the world is in a perilous state. We're a dating app, so we don't want to get into it, but if you know, you know. And you might think that with everything that's going on, you might want to be coupled up - you know, seeking a friend for the end of the world and all that - but we think that actually, being single is the way to go at this moment in history. Here are 11 reasons why being single is empowering, fulfilling, and even necessary right now.

1. You've got the freedom to focus on your own personal growth.

Being single lets you prioritise your own personal development without the compromises that come with a relationship. You can dedicate more time to hobbies, interests, learning new skills, progressing in your career, succeeding in your education - basically, you have time to invest in yourself.

2. You can live life on your own terms.

Without a partner, you have complete control over your own decisions, actions, and daily routines. You're independent and autonomous.

3. You can clear your brain of emotional clutter.

Relationships bring lots of emotional ups and downs, and without that stress, you can focus on your own mental wellbeing and emotional stability. Take out the emotional trash, and leave it.

4. Your money is your own.

Being single means you control your finances and you don't have to consider somebody else's spending habits, student loans, budget, etc. You can prioritize your own financial independence and spend or save your money how YOU choose.

5. You can skip the drama.

Relationships also bring drama and stress - even the healthiest ones. From disagreements to competing priorities, having a significant other means there will inevitably be some challenges. If you're single, you can cultivate peace and calm, navigating your own issues without needing to worry about someone else's stuff.

6. You can build up your friendships.

So many people get into relationships and start neglecting their friends. But when you're single, you have more time to nurture those relationships with people who will be there for you whether you're coupled up or on your own. When you're not pouring all your energy into romance, you can instead invest in those platonic relationships that give you emotional fulfillment.

7. You can work on your boundaries.

Being single means you can define your own personal boundaries without worrying about a partner's expectations - and help you develop a greater sense of self-respect and self-care.

8. You can travel and explore where you want to.

Traveling is great when you're on your own - you can go where you want to, see what you want to see, without arguing over restaurants or trying to find activities you both like. It's your budget, your schedule, your preferences, nobody else's.

9. You can pursue new experiences.

Singledom gives you the freedom to say yes to new experiences without worrying about anyone else's priorities or input. You can be spontaneous and flexible, and do exciting stuff you enjoy.

10. You don't have to explain yourself to anyone.

You don't owe anybody else justification of your life choices, how you spend your time or money, what you want to do or not do, your political and social views, etc. Your opinion and experiences are the only thing that matters.

11. You are the architect of your future.

While so many people feel pressured by societal norms to be in a relationship, being single lets you take time to figure out what you want in a partner. You can date casually but not commit to anything, explore your sexuality, have solo fun, and get to know yourself. Then someday, if you want to have a partner, you'll be in a better space to be intentional about it - not defaulting to "settling".

So while Singles' Day might feel lonely in a society that often romanticizes coupledom, treat it as a period of growth, freedom, and self-discovery instead. Singlehood isn't a lack of something - it's a chance to embrace empowerment and opportunity, and to pursue a more fulfilling, more authentic life.

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