
It's halfway through Dry January. How you doin’?

by Katherine

Ah, Dry January – the month where you swap tequila for tea, trade in your wine glass for a water bottle, and face the cold, hard truth that you can, in fact, survive without a nightly nightcap. Whether you're doing it to detox, reset, or just because you lost a bet, here are some tips for surviving the rest of Dry January.

Build a mocktail empire

Just because you're not drinking doesn't mean you have to sip on plain old water like a sad houseplant. Enter: Mocktails. These alcohol-free concoctions are your ticket to feeling fancy without the booze. Try a virgin mojito, a sparkling kombucha spritzer, or even a spiced ginger mule. Bonus points if you serve it in a ridiculous glass with a garnish that screams, "I may be sober, but I’m still fabulous!"

Distract yourself with hobbies

Remember that thing you’ve been meaning to try for years? Like learning to knit, baking sourdough, or finally figuring out how to fold a fitted sheet? Now’s the time. Hobbies are the perfect distraction from the siren call of your favorite IPA. Plus, if you pick up something like pottery, you’ll even have a new mug to hold all those mocktails.

Buddy up

Misery loves company, and Dry January is no exception. Find a friend, coworker, or random stranger on the internet who’s also doing this booze-free challenge. Share tips, swap mocktail recipes, and commiserate over how long January feels when you’re not counting down to happy hour. You may realize it's not so bad, after all.

Treat yo’self

Saving money on booze? Use it to splurge on other indulgences. Buy the overpriced candle that smells like a forest fairy’s dream, get the fancy cheese you usually pass by, or book a massage. You deserve it for resisting the urge to dive headfirst into a bottle.

Embrace the benefits

Here’s the good news: Dry January comes with perks. You’ll sleep better, save money, and wake up hangover-free every single day. Now you're into Week Three, you might even start feeling like a superhero with glowing skin and boundless energy. (Or at least less like a gremlin who forgot what water tastes like.)

The final countdown

Let’s be honest: Part of surviving Dry January is knowing it’s not forever. Keep a calendar and mark off each booze-free day like the victorious champion you are. Whether you’re counting down to February 1 or just the sweet moment when you no longer crave a glass of merlot, every day is a win.

You’re stronger than your favorite cocktail – and we believe in you. And remember, Frugal February is just around the corner, so you can extend your booze ban for the month and save even more money – or not!

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